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18 October 2021

Back After the Bubble!

How long has it been? We’re finally back to school after 18 months of Covid restrictions! I'm currently back, after an overwhelming first day back of normal school. Yes, you heard me, NORMAL!

It all started when my mum dropped me off to school, and to my surprise, we were actually lining up on the playground! I almost forgot about this tradition, since we would normally line up at our classrooms, but it was nice to line up and catch up with my friends. I wasn't expecting it, but then Mrs. Denham rang the bell which signalled to us to walk to our classroom...

Mrs Denham led us to our classroom where I found out we didn’t have to sit in rows! I also noticed that we weren’t asked to wash our hands as soon as we came in. Lessons were amazing, I could hear the teachers clearly, since they were without masks, and they could help us whilst we were doing our workđź“–.

At break, I immediately grabbed a football and marked a goal to play a match with my friends, we had been told we could try out for sports teams! We hadn’t been able to do that last year! I had really wanted to try out for the netball team, but teams weren’t on then. I was looking forward to competing in tournaments I got in the team I wanted! I began to train, and break passed in a flash. Even though the try outs were 2 weeks away, I wanted to be prepared⚽️.

Oh. My. Goodness. We were actually eating in the lunch hall! The lovely smells, the chatter, the fact that we could choose where we could sit! It was overwhelming! Last year, we had to eat in our classrooms, and wait for everyone to finish before we could go out to play, but now we could eat in our own time🍽. Even though we had very little time to eat, we had more time to enjoy outside.

In the afternoon, we did one of my favourite subjects, Faith and Belief! We were learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam, and we had to answer questions on the 5 pillars in table groups. It was fun to interact with other people at school, especially since we didn’t have to social distance as much as before the holidays!

After school, I noticed that people were lining up for after school club.. Seeing this reminded me that I could return to doing my favourite clubs! I could do kick boxing, football, Zumba.... there were so many options to choose from! I was expecting my mum to come to the classroom to pick me up, but we were picked up from the playground instead!

As fun as this day was, I am truly looking forward to many days to come. Normal days, or fun theme week days, I was going to make every second count. I am confident, that year 6 will be my best year in Lowbrook Academy.

Written by Ranyah