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The purpose of our Academy's curriculum:

To advance for the public benefit education in the United Kingdom, in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing by establishing, maintaining, carrying on, managing and developing a school offering a broad and balanced curriculum.

Curriculum responsibilities outlined within the Academies Funding agreement with the DFE:

  • The curriculum provided by the Academy shall be broad and balanced,
  • The Academy Trust shall ensure that the broad and balanced curriculum includes English, Mathematics and Science,
  • The Academy Trust shall make provision for the teaching of religious education and for a daily act of collective worship at the Academy.
  • The Academy Trust shall have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State on sex and relationship education to ensure that children at the Academy are protected from inappropriate teaching materials and they learn the nature of marriage and its importance for family life and for bringing up children.

This is underpinned by the Academies Vision of growing:

Laeti, Sani, Multa Perficientes

Happy, Healthy, High Achievers.


Our Values and goals are based around these principles:

  • Enjoyment, Commitment and Achievement (Engagement, Exploring, Knowing, Understanding and Making Sense, Fostering Skills, Exciting Imagination and Enacting Dialogue)
  • Equality of Opportunity
    Fairness and Justice
  • Respect, Reciprocity, Responsibility and Honesty
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • High Aspirations
  • Autonomy, Independence, and Resilience
  • Wellbeing and Healthy living
  • Local, National and Global Citizenship
  • Sustainability and interdependence

Intent -The Curriculum Statement

The curriculum at the Academy embraces a common set of aims that drive the curriculum, teaching and assessment. They are derived from the research outlined within the Cambridge Review and unashamedly reflect the values and moral purpose, for what school is about.

The 12 aims form the overriding intent of the Lowbrook Academy Curriculum:


Prepare children for a fulfilling future as well as attend to their present needs, hopes, interests and anxieties and promote their mental, emotional and physical welfare. Help them to develop a strong sense of self, a positive outlook and maximise their ability to learn through good, evidence-informed teaching.


Secure children’s active and enthusiastic engagement in their learning.


Excite, promote and sustain children’s agency, empowering them through knowledge, understanding, skill and personal qualities to profit from their learning, to discover and lead rewarding lives, and to manage life and find new meaning in a changing world.


Enable children to establish who they are and to what they might aspire. Encourage their independence of thought and discrimination in the choices they make. Help them to see beyond fashion to what is of value.

Encouraging respect and reciprocity

Promote respect for self, for peers and adults, for other generations, for diversity and difference, for ideas and values, and for common courtesy. Respect between child and adult should be mutual, for learning and human relations are built upon reciprocity.

Interdependence and sustainability

Develop children’s understanding of humanity’s dependence for wellbeing and survival on equitable relationships between individuals, groups, communities and nations, and on a sustainable relationship with the natural world and help children to move from understanding to positive action.

Promoting Empowering local, national and global citizenship

Enable children to become active citizens by encouraging their full participation in decision-making within the classroom and school, and advancing their understanding of human rights, conflict resolution and social justice. They should develop a sense that human interdependence and the fragility of the world order require a concept of citizenship which is global as well as local and national.

Celebrating culture and community

Every school should aim to become a centre of community life, culture and thought to help counter the loss of community outside the school. ‘Education is major embodiment of a culture’s way of life, not just a preparation for it,’ as Jerome Bruner said.

Exploring, knowing, understanding and making sense

Give children the opportunity to encounter, explore and engage with the wealth of human experience and the different ways through which humans make sense of the world and act upon it.

Fostering skill

Foster skill in those domains on which learning, employment and a rewarding life depend: in oracy and literacy, in mathematics, science, IT, the creative and performing arts and financial management; but also communication, creativity, invention, problem-solving, critical practice and human relations.

Exciting imagination

Excite children’s imagination so they can advance their understanding, extend the boundaries of their lives, contemplate worlds possible as well as actual, understand cause and consequence, develop the capacity for empathy, think about and regulate their behaviour, and explore language, ideas and arguments.

Enacting dialogue

Help children grasp that understanding builds through collaboration between teacher and pupil and among pupils. Enable them to recognise that knowledge is not only transmitted but also negotiated and re-created; and that each of us in the end makes our own sense out of that knowledge. Dialogue is central to pedagogy: between self and others, between personal and collective knowledge, between present and past, between different ways of thinking.

These aims are then aligned and linked to the Domain areas that have been adopted by the Academy as their new subject areas. The Aims and Domain areas are the backbone of the Lowbrook Curriculum.

It is these aims that build the Cultural Capital within all our pupils.

Each Domain is supported and underpinned by individual domain Intent and Implementation statements. Please click on the links below to view our statements, along with other useful curriculum documents.


A full copy of our Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Policy can be viewed below.