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Recent and New Projects

Hall Decals

We have recently worked closely with a company to add wall decals to our school to inspire learning and complement our curriculum. We have added a timeline around the hall which focuses on the key time eras studied at Lowbrook. We have also added a map of the world and UK, with important landmarks studied identified and highlighted. Finally, we have a section on flags of the world and the solar system.



The Pond House - New Wellbeing Area

We have recently refurbished the outdoor building in the pond area in to a wellbeing area. It is currently used by the ELSA team and children working 1:1 receiving maths interventions.


The New Year 4 Classroom

This classroom, at the front of the school, was completed and occupied by Year 4 on the 4th September 2017.


Interactive Learning Environment Refurbishment Project

Following the hugely disappointing U-turn on the funding for our expansion, we now remain fully committed to ensuring that we maintain the highest of standards around the site and buildings we are fortunate to have.

We have fully redesigned the former temporary year 4 classroom into an innovative and multi-purpose Interactive Learning Environment for both the pupils and teaching staff to utilise throughout the school day. Furnishings include a boardroom style table for teachers and pupils to work at, a lounge style area, a high top bar for additional seating as well as artificial grass carpeting to mark out the reprographic area. 

As well as furnishing this Interactive Learning Environment, we have also undertaken a three year rolling programme to refurbish the 6 classrooms in the 1978 part of the building with new lighting, carpets and re-painting of walls as necessary.